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Club History

Wahingdoh Sports Club was founded in 1946 before winning numerous titles and slowly making its mark in the Shillong football scene. However, as the years progressed, more professional clubs began making their entry into the leagues organised in Shillong, making the competition stiffer than it already was. The amateur club found it difficult to cope with the younger clubs and slowly, its downfall began.

In 2007, Wahingdoh Sports Club nearly faced relegation to the 2nd Division League, and as a result of inconsistent performance, the Wahingdoh community felt the need for a younger and more innovative approach.

The club finally turned professional in 2008 after merging with Royal Football Club. Thereafter, the club was renamed Royal Wahingdoh FC under the able leadership of the club's new owner Dominic Sutnga Tariang. Several dramatic changes were made in and within the club, and in the same very year of its reformation, the club unexpectedly bounced back to claim Third spot in the 2nd Division Regional League.

Royal Wahingdoh FC fans still remember the team's stupendous performance in the First Division 2009 season where they established a record by winning all their games besides scoring 52 goals en route to lifting the title and along with it, an entry into the top tier of Meghalaya football, "The Shillong Premiere League." The club created history in the Shillong Premier League 2010 season by becoming the first team to win the title on debut after beating Shillong Lajong FC through tiebreaker. Another record was set in August, 2012 when the Royals won their third consecutive Shillong Premier League finals after beating Rangdajied United FC.

Royal Wahingdoh FC is currently competing in national tournaments including the 2nd Division I League and the Federation Cup.

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I-League II 2014 Final Round

Last Match

Royal Wahingdoh FC – Bhawanipore FC

3 - 2

20. Match Day